陈君程, 严予若, 艾 莉, 等.藏族大学生性心理健康问卷初步编制.四川大学学报(医学版),2016,47(3):382-384
Development of a Questionnaire Measuring Sexual Mental Health of Tibetan University Students
中文关键词:  藏族 大学生 性心理健康 问卷编制 因子分析
英文关键词:Tibetan University student Sexual mental health Questionnaire development Factor analysis
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      目的 编制藏族大学生性心理健康问卷,为评估藏族大学生性心理健康状况提供测评工具。方法 在参考胡珍教授的《新世纪大学生性文明调查问卷》及有关文献资料的基础上,结合专家意见,经过预调查确定初测问卷;使用初测问卷进行调查,获得有效样本230份,使用探索性因子分析筛选题项,经主成分分析和方差最大正交旋转,保留特征值>1、且题项个数≥3的公因子,将因子载荷<0.4、共同度<0.2或公因子包含题项个数<3的题项删除,最终形成正式问卷;使用正式问卷进行调查,获得有效样本481份,采用克朗巴哈系数法和分半信度系数法考核问卷的内在信度,使用验证性因子分析考核问卷的结构效度。结果 经过4次探索性因子分析,将初测问卷性心理、性观念(态度)部分的39个题项删减为34个题项,形成7因子模型。总量表和7个因子维度的Cronbach’sα系数分别为0.920、0.898、0.812、0.844、0.787、0.684、0.703、0.608,Spearman-Brown 系数分别为0.763、0.867、0.742、0.838、0.746、0.822、0.677、0.564,说明问卷具有良好的内在信度;进行验证性因子分析所采用的结构方程模型与原始数据的拟合程度较好,拟合指标:卡方自由度比值(χ2/df)=3.736、残差均方根(RMR)=0.081、渐进残差均方根(RMSEA)=0.076、拟合优度指数(GFI)=0.805、调整拟合优度指数(AGFI)=0.770、规范拟合指数(NFI)=0.774、相对拟合指数(RFI)=0.749、增值拟合指数(IFI)=0.824、非规范拟合指数(NNFI)=0.803、比较拟合指数(CFI)=0.823、简约调整拟合优度指数(PGFI)=0.684、简约调整规范拟合指数(PNFI)=0.698、简约调整比较拟合指数(PCFI)=0.742,说明问卷具有良好的结构效度。结论 藏族大学生性心理健康问卷具有良好的信度和效度。
      Objective To develop a questionnaire measuring sexual mental health of Tibetan university students. Methods A draft questionnaire was developed with reference to the Sexual Civilization Survey for University Students of New Century and other published literature, and in consultation with experts. The questionnaire was tested in 230 students. Exploratory factor analyses with principal component and varimax orthogonal rotation were performed. Common factors with a >1 eigenvalues and ≥3 loaded items (factor loading ≥0.4) were retained. Items with a <0.4 factor loading, <0.2 commonality, or falling into a common factor with <3 items were excluded. The revised questionnaire was administered in another sample of 481 university students. Cronbach’sα and split-half reliabilities were estimated. Confirmatory factor analyses were performed to test the construct validity of the questionnaire. Results Four rounds of exploratory factor analyses reduced the draft questionnaire items from 39 to 34 with a 7-factor structure. The questionnaire had a Cronbach’sα of 0.920, 0.898, 0.812, 0.844, 0.787, 0.684, 0.703, and 0.608, and a Spearman-Brown coefficient of 0.763, 0.867, 0.742, 0.838, 0.746, 0.822, 0.677, and 0.564 for the overall questionnaire and its 7 domains, respectively, suggesting good internal reliability. The structural equation of confirmatory factor analysis fitted well with the raw data: fit index χ2/df=3.736; root mean square residual (RMR) =0.081; root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)=0.076; goodness of fit index (GFI)=0.805; adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI)=0.770; normed fit index (NFI)=0.774; relative fit index (RFI)=0.749; incremental fit index (IFI)=0.824; non-normed fit index (NNFI )=0.803; comparative fit index (CFI)=0.823; parsimony goodness of fit index (PGFI)=0.684; parsimony normed fit index (PNFI)=0.698; parsimony comparative fit index (PCFI)=0.742, suggesting good construct validity of the questionnaire. Conclusion The Sexual Mental Health Questionnaire for Tibetan University Student has demonstrated good reliability and validity.
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